If your child will be late, absent (short or long) or leaving early, please telephone the school and leave a message on the 24 hour answering service 604.296.9028 extension “2” (if possible before 8:00 a.m.)
PLEASE DO NOT provide your child’s PEN or pupil number. Kindly state the date, your child’s first and last name, teacher name and/or division number and reason for absence, eg: illness, vacation, appointment etc. Unfortunately the district provides the “universal” absentee line message, which we are not able to change locally. So many parents struggle to provide a PEN or pupil number, and unfortunately, it is not useful for attendance purposes. The following is helpful message information: child’s first and last name, teacher name and/or division number and reason for absence, eg: illness, vacation, appointment etc.
Students arriving late or leaving early, please report to the office and sign in OR out.
If your child is absent without notice, the school will attempt to contact you to confirm.
We thank you for your kind consideration and assistance.