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Bby District online Student consent & permission 2024.2025 – due Sep26

Burnaby School District online Student consent / permission forms for 2024.2025.

Online Forms must be completed for all students NEW to Seaforth School and students NEW to Grade 4 this school year (specifically District Technologies & Information Systems:  Student Acceptable Use Agreement – Grade 4 also requires the student signature).

Forms completed in previous years, can be revised by parents wishing to update.

Kindergarten student were given a green print copy with PEN information to take home on September 17.

Parents/Guardians, please review and follow the instructions below.  Should you have questions, comments or require assistance, please email     Please be sure to provide your child’s first and last name in the subject line, in the email – detail how we can help.  We will do our very best to reply to all emails within a 2 day window.    Thank you Seaforth families for your prompt attention and continued support.

Thank you for completing the following online forms by September 26, 2024.


Burnaby School District – Parental Consent Forms

Step 1. Consent Forms: Request Access

Before a parent/guardian can submit a consent form, they are required to apply for an access code:


The form requires that a parent have the following 3 pieces of information available for the child:

  1. Student Personal Education Number (PEN)
    • Commonly found on your child’s report card
    • For Burnaby Secondary students the PEN is also found in the MyEducation BC parent and student portal
  2. Student Date of Birth
  3. An email address which was previously shared with the school on Student Verification Forms

Step 2. Check your Email

Upon successfully submitting the request, Parents/Guardians will receive a confirmation email with two key items:

  1. An Access Code
  2. A unique URL with an embedded token.

The URL and code are unique to that specific student and can only be used once.

Step 3. Consent Forms: Burnaby Students

After clicking on the unique Web Link in their email, a web browser will open, and the Parent/Guardian will be shown the Consent Form.

  1. Enter the Access Code provided in the email   Note:  The access code is case sensitive.
  2. Click on Validate Code

The Consent Form will require the Parent to enter their consent (Yes/No) for the following grade K-12 consent items:

Consent Item: Note:
Consent to Send Commercial Electronic Messages (CASL)
Media Release
Student Personal Information
Walking Permission
District Technologies & Information Systems:Student Acceptable Use Agreement Grade 4-12 also requires the student signature
O365 Permission Information Only


FAQ: Personal Education Number (PEN)

The Personal Education Number (PEN) is a nine-digit number assigned to each student enrolled or registered with any; B.C. Early Learning (Strong Start program), Public or Independent school, B.C. Certified Offshore School, Yukon School, or public Post-Secondary Institution.

Once issued, the PEN follows the student through their B.C. education path from Early Learning, through K-12 and post-secondary enrollment. PENs are important confidential identifiers that should be secured for future reference and safeguarded. accordingly. Your child’s PEN can be found on each Report Card. If you are unable to locate your child’s PEN, please send an email to  Be sure to include your first and last name, your child’s first and last name.  Mrs. Avila will verify your email against student records and provide the PEN by telephone.