
PAC Zoom Meeting – September 27, 2023 7-8pm

Please join us for our first Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting of the 2023/ 2024 school year via Zoom on Wednesday, September 27, at 7:00pm.

 Zoom Meeting Details:     https://ca01web.zoom.us/j/69142718364?pwd=ZVBsSk1PYUhSV28yWGdGcnlQNWdLUT09

Meeting ID: 691 4271 8364          Password: 401508       CLICK HERE: to see the agenda

 Nominations for the following Executive PAC positions will be discussed during the meeting and voted on during the PAC Annual General Meeting (AGM) tentatively scheduled on October 26:

 ·       Chairperson 

·       Vice Chairperson 

·       Treasurer 

·       Secretary 

·       Member for DPAC (District Parent Advisory Council) 

·       Member for CPF (Canadian Parents for French) 

 If you or someone you know is interested, please sign up to volunteer at https://site.seaforthpac.ca/pac-activities/, or email seaforth.pac@burnabyschools.ca.

 For more information regarding PAC Executive positions, see Section XI – Duties of Officers (pages 6-8) of the PAC Constitution and Bylaws at Click Here:   PAC Constitution and Bylaws April 2014.

 We look forward to you joining us on September 27 at 7:00pm!

 — Your Seaforth PAC  Seaforth.PAC@burnabyschools.ca