
Seaforth School Values Parent Meeting – February 11

Dear Seaforth Families,
We have been in discussions with a local artist who is going to do a mural for our school.  As part of this initiative, we asked our intermediate students which values they felt best characterized the way we wanted our school community to be.  All classes participated and worked to come up with their top five values.  Then we invited two representatives from each intermediate class to come to a discussion to create one list of five values they felt were the most important. Our next step was to do the same process with the staff.
Now we would like to hear from the parent community.  We are holding a meeting after school on Tuesday, February 11 in the Seaforth Library.
If you would like to be a part of this discussion, we would love you to join us!  Please email Ms. Lloyd to let us know you are coming.  Holly.lloyd@burnabyschools.ca
Hope to see you there!