
Seaforth Christmas Hamper Drive – Reminder! deadline is December 15

This year, the Seaforth Grade 7 Leadership group is supporting a Christmas Hamper drive for families in need. Arrangements have been made to sponsor one family per class.

Each class will be responsible to support a family through gift cards for groceries or other items and small presents for each family member; in particular, the children under 18 years old.

A class volunteer parent for each division, will help organize the Hamper.    Please wait for communication from your class parent volunteer regarding items which will best suit the family your class is sponsoring.

Once you have information regarding which gifts and gift cards are being requested, please send these to school (with your child) to be added to the Hamper box in the classroom – or – a monetary contribution can be made through SchoolCash to your child’s class.  Funds contributed for each class will be used to supplement the Hampers – volunteer class parents will assist with appropriate purchases etc.

Hamper contributions can be sent to school starting December 1 but must be collected by December 15.  Please consider helping a needy family in this way.