
PAC Sponsored Seaforth Annual Pancake Breakfast is December 20 !

Dear Seaforth Parents & Guardians:

It’s time again for Seaforth’s Annual Pancake Breakfast!!!  It will be held on the last day of school before the Winter Break, Friday December 20.

 We are again supported by a generous donation from the Gujral family and would like to thank and recognize them for their amazing contribution to our Pancake Breakfast.  It is a great time for all the students and staff, and a special guest has even been known to make an appearance!

We are looking for parent volunteers to cook and serve pancakes to the children.  Due to the extremely popular nature of this event and the large student population we serve, we are only able to schedule parent volunteers who are able to fulfill the entire time commitment.  As per tradition, Grade 7 parents will be given first priority and then volunteer names will be drawn by Mr. Yam.  We need approximately 35-40 servers and 4-6 cooks.

Parents that are serving should be at the school by 8:45 a.m. and are finished by 12:00 noon.  Parents that are cooking should be at the school by 8:00 a.m. and are finished by 11:30 a.m.  All parent volunteers are welcome to stay for breakfast afterwards as a reward for a job well done.

If you would like to volunteer in this year’s Pancake Breakfast, please fill out the bottom portion of the notice sent home with all students December 9, (click here to view a copy) and return it to your child’s classroom teacher asap (you only need to fill out one form, even if you have multiple children at the school). Volunteers will be notified if their name has been chosen by Monday December 16th!

Thank you for your support,  Aliyah Walji,  Volunteer Parent, Pancake Breakfast Coordinator