
 Halloween Celebrations at Ecole Seaforth Elementary

There will be multiple Halloween celebrations at Seaforth – October 31st:    Orange & Black or Costume Day

If your child’s class is having a Halloween party that involves the sharing of treats, please remember:
  • we are a “nut aware” school, as some of our students have severe allergies 
If your child’s class will be wearing costumes at school on the 31st, please help your child choose an appropriate costume for school:
  • No weapons, no full face masks
  • primary-appropriatecostumes for our older students (nothing too scary, as we do not want to frighten our younger students)
  • culturally sensitive costumes Click Here
  • Students will be going out for recess and lunch and we don`t want costumes to get ruined during play time.Delicate costumes that may be easily ripped or damaged are better saved for Sunday evening.  

Whether or not students come to school in costume or change later in the day will be a class-by-class decision. Your child’s teacher will be communicating class expectations with you.

Thank you for helping us ensure that this is a fun and safe day for all of our students.